2008年8月3日 星期日

QEMU for Openmoko


sudo apt-get install git git-core gcc-3.4 lynx netpbm libsdl1.2-dev dosfstools subversion zlib1g-dev
sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash
(choose NO upon question about installing /bin/sh )

ref Building the Openmoko Note MokoMakefile part

  • make qemu - build qemu-neo1973, download the latest official OpenMoko images, flash the images into the virtual NAND flash, create an empty virtual SD card, and run the emulator (you still need to install the makefile as mentioned above, however).
  • make run-qemu - restarts qemu with the currently flashed OpenMoko images and current virtual SD card.
  • make run-qemu-snapshot - does the same but starts qemu with -snapshot which causes QEMU to write all changes to temporary files instead of flash and disk image files.
    This is beneficial in that the virtual Neo1973 is not changed. Also all changes that make run-qemu-snapshot creates occur in parallel. This allows you to run multiple instances without creating incoherent flash and SD card state. You can, however, force the write back by pressing C-a s in the QEMU window. This may be useful to update the flash and disk images in the last qemu instance that is running to preserve the changes.
  • make download-images - to download the latest official images
  • make flash-qemu-official - to flash those images
  • make flash-qemu-local - to flash your latest locally built images, which can then be followed by
  • make qemu-copy-package-foo - copies foo.ipk to the virtual SD card, which allows you to use ipkg install /media/mmcblk0/file inside the running OpenMoko to install the package.
