2009年6月12日 星期五

Generating System ACE files

  1. Start iMPACT 10.1
  2. Cancel the "iMPACT Project" window
  3. [(double click)SystemACE]
  4. [Operating Mode: Novice] -> [Next]
  5. [Select System ACE CF Size: Generic]
    [Reserve Space: 0]
    -> [Next]
  6. [Name: (the name you like)]
    [Location: (generated file location)]
    -> [Next]
  7. [Assign Configuration Address and Design Name: (check the address you need, and the name you like)]
    -> [Next]
  8. (Information summary)-> [Finish]
  9. Repeat the following steps until all Config Address is assigned)
    • [Add Device Config Address X: OK]
    • [(Select the bit file)]
    • [Would you like to add another design file to Config Address X: No]
  10. [(double click)Generate File] -> [ACE File Generation Option ...: OK]
