2011年2月14日 星期一

Booting ARM11MPCore in SMP secondary cores boot failed due to u-boot...

 .text          0x00000000      0x3e0 cpu/arm11mpcore/start.o
0x00000000 _start

 .text          0x00011b80      0x400 board/cavium/cns3000/libcns3000.a(lowlevel_init.o)
0x00011b80 secondary_cores
0x00011bd8 lowlevel_init

if secondary_cores is put at:
0x 00,04,08,0c,10,14 is ok
0x 18,1c failed

add a ".align 5" to align secondary_cores

It is found that the alignment of following code marked in red in lowlevel_init caused the boot failed:
ldr r5, =0x35678855
cmp r6, r5
movne pc, r6
This movne is the very point that the secondary core jump from u-boot to Linux kernel.

under failed situation, with RVDS on Core1 with no_reset_and_no_stop,
0x10738 WFI
0x10764 movne

but I got an FFF00010 (DataAbort) @ 0x1077c, and the code seems changed, for previous WFI and movne section cannot be found at the same address.

kernel_start -> rest_init -> kernel_init -> smp_prepare_cpu_secondary -> poke_milo ->

ARM Linux Boot Sequence

The secondary boot failure is caused by kernel which decompress image to 0x8000(32kB), while the u-boot takes around 132kB from 0x0, and the function secondary_cores are linked below 32kB, therefore overwritten by decompressed kernel.

Although it is overwritten, the ICache is enabled on secondary core, therefore, in some situation SMP/SOP boot would pass if the required code are cached.

.align abs-expr, abs-expr, abs-expr

Pad the location counter (in the current subsection) to a particular storage boundary. The first expression (which must be absolute) is the alignment required, as described below.

Booting ARM Linux SMP on MPCore

Booting Linux SMP on MPCore

ARM Linux Booting Process (ARM920T)

arm smp support patch

Performance Measurement on ARM
