2013年8月24日 星期六

Merging branch in git-svn

Is git-svn dcommit after merging in git dangerous? - Stack Overflow

When git merge branch by Fast-Forward, no commit is generated. This might lead git-svn commit to the wrong branch.

Says, I have branch "trunk" and "work", and I merge "work" in "trunk" with fast-forward. Later, when I dcommit the changes of "trunk" to SVN, git-svn commit to "work" instead of "trunk".

Use "git svn dcommit -n" to verify whether the destination branch is correct or not.

Use "git merge --no-ff <branch>" to merge branches when using git-svn.

"git merge --squash <branch>" would also work with git-svn, but it doesn't has the merge information left.
