2014年12月26日 星期五

minicom+kermit with u-boot

Ubuntu 13.10.


  1. sudo apt-get install minicom ckermit
  2. /etc/kermit/kermrc
    set carrier-watch off
    set prefixing all
    set parity none
    set stop-bits 1
    set modem none
    set file type bin
    set file name lit
    set flow-control none
    set prompt "Linux Kermit> "

On minicom, give the following command to u-boot:
==> loadb 0x2000000
## Ready for binary (kermit) download to 0x02000000 at 115200 bps...
Then do ctrl+A+S with "kermit", select file to send. You should see the following screen:
C-Kermit 9.0.302 OPEN SOURCE:, 20 Aug 2011, testPC []

   Current Directory: /home/xxxx
Communication Device: /dev/ttyUSB0
 Communication Speed: 115200
              Parity: none
         RTT/Timeout: 01 / 03
             SENDING:  => u-boot.bin
           File Size: 699264
        Percent Done: 4   //
 Estimated Time Left: 00:01:24
  Transfer Rate, CPS: 7887
        Window Slots: 1 of 1
         Packet Type: D
        Packet Count: 10
       Packet Length: 9024
         Error Count: 0
          Last Error:
        Last Message:

ERROR: ctrl+A+S with "kermit" doesn't work; nothing shown
Maybe something went wrong with kermit. In my case I didn't have kermrc set correctly. You can try to run kermit manually, for example:
# sudo kermit -i -l /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200 -s u-boot.bin

?Carrier required but not detected
It might be required for minicom to quit to run this command in console.

lazyf's den : A Personal Weblog: [技術] Linux下使用Minicon+Kermit

Problems running Kermit - FedoraForum.org
