2015年12月4日 星期五

C call graph with cscope

sudo apt-get install xdot
sudo apt-get install cscope

CallGraphviz—依據 cscope、Graphviz 以及 xdot 實作的 call graph visualizer - OpenFoundry

git clone https://github.com/chihchun/callgraphviz.git
python visualizer.py
  • 要一個一個symbol自己key進去
  • 無法刪除已key入的symbol
  • 無法Save成.dot檔案

toolchainguru: Bash: C Call Trees and Graphs
The bash script works for me with some modification.

Functions supported:
  1. downstream X: functions called by X (callee)
  2. upstream X: functions that call X(caller)
  3. subgraph X Y: all code paths that lead from function X to function Y.
  4. related A, B, ... Z: all code paths between an arbitrary set of functions A, B, C, [...] Z
First you need to have your cscope.out generated. Second source the script calltree.sh:
. calltree.sh;
downstream FUNC1 LEVEL
upstream FUNC1 LEVEL
subgraph FUNC1 FUNC2
related FUNC1...FUNCn

FUNCx: Function name
LEVEL: levels to look into. 0: infinite
The latest script could take the Function name as the first parameter:
Call the built-in function by providing the function name as the first
        ./calltree.sh FUNC PARM1 PARM2...PARM8

Thus I could do the following directly:
./calltree.sh downstream FUNC1 LEVEL

CCTree - C Call-Tree Explorer -- Cscope based source-code browser; code flow analyzer : vim online
Vim CCTree -- Call-tree Explorer plugin
cctree help file
Copy cctree.vim to ~/.vim/plugins/

Load database
(Please note that it might take a while depending on the  database size)

Save native Xref Db
   :CCTreeSaveXRefDB  cctree.out

Load native XRef Db~
    :CCTreeLoadXRefDB  cctree.out

Get reverse call tree for symbol  <C-\> <
Get forward call tree for symbol
<C-\> >
Increase depth of tree and update
<C-\> =
Decrease depth of tree and update
<C-\>  -
