2009年4月30日 星期四

Converting FPGA Bit file to PROM MCS file

  1. Start iMPACT 10.1
  2. Cancel the "iMPACT Project" window
  3. [PROM file formatter] ->
        [I want to target a: Xilinx PROM]
        [PROM file format: MCS]
        [Checksum Fill Value(2 Hex Digits):FF]
        [PROM file name: XXXXXXXX] (output file name)
        [Location] (output file path)
    -> [Next] ->
        [I am using a Xilinx PROM in a parrell mode and the data bus width for my FPGA is]
        [The same as the data width for my Flash/PROM device]
    -> [Next] ->
        [xcf32p 32M] -> [Add] -> [Add] (for LX220, Add 3 times for LX330)
    -> [Next] -> [Finish] -> [Start adding device file to Data Stream: 0: OK] -> [Assign FPGA Bit Files(*.bit)] -> [Would you like to add another device file to Data Stream: 0 : No] -> [You have completed the device file entry. Click'Ok' to continue: OK] -> [Generate File...]

2009年4月29日 星期三

090430 午 千甲路裡的迷宮 城市綠洲 買煞車皮

今天跟descent一起去探上次下雨天騎機車迷路一個多小時的 千甲路 區域,結果很輕鬆的就騎完了...,因為上次走到火車鐵道就折回了,殊不知過了鐵道 中華路 就在眼前了。

所以乾脆去 城市綠洲 買煞車皮和相機車架,相機車架 沒有貨,而且要8xx;kool stop的替換煞車皮賣完了。所以只買了另一種便宜的煞車皮($105),反正只用在前輪,只要比現在這個好用就行了...

千甲路 那區裡面的路都彎彎曲曲的,要是沒有大標的物,方向感

Name : WBT201
Numbers of Point : 885
Distance : 20.223 Km (12.566 Mile)
All Time : 1 Hour 55 Minute 22 Second(2009-04-30T12:02:06 ~ 2009-04-30T13:57:28)
Move Time : 1 Hour 13 Minute 21 Second
Stop Time : 42 Minute 1 Second
Average Speed(All Time) : 10.518 KMH(6.535 MPH)
Average Speed (Move Time) : 16.542 KMH(10.279 MPH)
Max. Speed : 46 KMH(28.583 MPH)
Max. Altitude : 120 Meters(393.701 Feets)
Min. Altitude : 26 Meters(85.302 Feets)
Zone : +08:00

2009年4月28日 星期二

GoogleCode 加檔案的時候使用瀏覽器看subversion檔案時有些property要設定,不然不會正常動作

googlecode 使用瀏覽器(至少firefox)看subversion檔案時有些property要設定,不然瀏覽器可能不會正常動作,如html/xml直接當text檔dump內容給你、或者是處理上可能會導致誤動作,如給gpx檔以為是text就不分析了 之類的鳥事...

gpx 要加 property- svn:mime-type = text/xml
htm/html 要加 property- svn:mime-type = text/html


The svn:mime-type property serves many purposes in Subversion. Besides being a general-purpose storage location for a file's Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) classification, the value of this property determines some behavioral characteristics of Subversion itself.

For example, if a file's svn:mime-type property is set to a non-text MIME type (generally, something that doesn't begin with text/, though there are exceptions), Subversion will assume that the file contains binary—that is, not human-readable—data. One of the benefits that Subversion typically provides is contextual, line-based merging of changes received from the server during an update into your working file. But for files believed to contain binary data, there is no concept of a “line”. So, for those files, Subversion does not attempt to perform contextual merges during updates. Instead, any time you have locally modified a binary working copy file that is also being updated, your file is renamed with a .orig extension, and then Subversion stores a new working copy file that contains the changes received during the update, but not your own local modifications, at the original filename. This behavior is really for the protection of the user against failed attempts at performing contextual merges on files that simply cannot be contextually merged.

Also, if the svn:mime-type property is set, then the Subversion Apache module will use its value to populate the Content-type: HTTP header when responding to GET requests. This gives a crucial clue about how to display a file when perusing your repository with a web browser.




之前就用過flickr-gmap-show,就覺得它是我見過最完美結合track與photo的了,但是最近不知名原因爛掉,不能正常顯示地圖、track 或 照片。

於是就一直將就使用GPS Visualizer+track,可是覺得一直這樣用GPS Visualizer產page很蠢,而且有照片時就更蠢了.....,所以下定決心要修好fgs

還好這個bug很簡單,就是xml tag改名字了,換過來就好....

Index: picasa-gmap-photoset.html
--- picasa-gmap-photoset.html (revision 169)
+++ picasa-gmap-photoset.html (working copy)
@@ -121,8 +121,8 @@
ownerurl: function(photo) {return 'http://picasaweb.google.com/'+photo.user;},
date: function(photo) { return photo.timestamp.toDateString(); },
parse : function(photo) {
- var thumbNodes = google.feeds.getElementsByTagNameNS(photo.xmlNode, 'http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/', 'thumbnail');
- var content = google.feeds.getElementsByTagNameNS(photo.xmlNode, 'http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/', 'content');
+ var thumbNodes = photo.xmlNode.getElementsByTagName('media:thumbnail');
+ var content = photo.xmlNode.getElementsByTagName('media:content');

var iconurl = {};
iconurl.url = thumbNodes[0]?thumbNodes[0].getAttributeNode('url').firstChild.nodeValue:null;
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
fullurl.height = parseInt(content[0].getAttributeNode('height').firstChild.nodeValue);
var pageurl=photo.link;
- var timestamp=new Date(parseInt(photo.xmlNode.getElementsByTagName('timestamp')[0].firstChild.nodeValue));
+ var timestamp=new Date(parseInt(photo.xmlNode.getElementsByTagName('gphoto:timestamp')[0].firstChild.nodeValue));
return {title:photo.title,api:picasa,iconurl:iconurl,thumburl:thumburl,mediumurl:mediumurl,pageurl:pageurl,fullurl:fullurl,timestamp:timestamp};
callapi : function(methodname, args, obj, callback, params) {
@@ -543,9 +543,9 @@
if(rsp.error) { alert(rsp.error.message); return; }

var photos=rsp.feed.entries;
- this.pageCurr=((parseInt(rsp.xmlDocument.firstChild.getElementsByTagName('startIndex')[0].firstChild.nodeValue)-1)/PER_PAGE)+1;
- this.pageTotal=Math.ceil(parseInt(rsp.xmlDocument.firstChild.getElementsByTagName('totalResults')[0].firstChild.nodeValue)/PER_PAGE);
- var user = rsp.xmlDocument.firstChild.getElementsByTagName('user')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
+ this.pageCurr=((parseInt(rsp.xmlDocument.firstChild.getElementsByTagName('openSearch:startIndex')[0].firstChild.nodeValue)-1)/PER_PAGE)+1;
+ this.pageTotal=Math.ceil(parseInt(rsp.xmlDocument.firstChild.getElementsByTagName('openSearch:totalResults')[0].firstChild.nodeValue)/PER_PAGE);
+ var user = rsp.xmlDocument.firstChild.getElementsByTagName('gphoto:user')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;

if(this.pageTotal<2) {
@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@
for (var i=0,len=photos.length; i<len; i++) {
var photo=photos[i];

- var where = photo.xmlNode.getElementsByTagName('where');
+ var where = photo.xmlNode.getElementsByTagName('georss:where');
if(!where||!where.length) { continue; }

var point = where[0].firstChild.textContent||where[0].firstChild.text;

Issue 1: picasa-gmap-photoset.html not working anymore
patch applied

url used for debug:

2009年4月27日 星期一

090428 午 柯湖路 雲南路 柯湖路201巷 頭重路37巷22弄 柯湖路的泥土路通不到寶一

柯湖路的泥土路通不到寶一...所以就只好改變路線,再繞一次雲南路柯湖路201巷,這次走頭重路下去。我實在很喜歡 雲南路358巷柯湖路201巷頭重路37巷22弄 這段路,風景好,騎在田埂小徑,別有一番趣味。

雲南路358巷柯湖路201巷 part1

雲南路358巷柯湖路201巷 part2

柯湖路201巷頭重路37巷22弄 part1

柯湖路201巷頭重路37巷22弄 part2


Name : WBT201
Numbers of Point : 718
Distance : 12.702 Km (7.893 Mile)
All Time : 1 Hour 9 Minute 30 Second(2009-04-28T12:09:35 ~ 2009-04-28T13:19:05)
Move Time : 1 Hour 1 Minute 0 Second
Stop Time : 8 Minute 30 Second
Average Speed(All Time) : 10.966 KMH(6.814 MPH)
Average Speed (Move Time) : 12.494 KMH(7.763 MPH)
Max. Speed : 40 KMH(24.855 MPH)
Max. Altitude : 163 Meters(534.777 Feets)
Min. Altitude : 83 Meters(272.310 Feets)
Zone : +08:00

2009年4月26日 星期日

090427 午 寶二 竹林小徑 尖山路 雲南路 柯湖路201巷 接通 寶二到寶一吊橋 與 雲南路與柯湖路201巷!!

令人興奮!! 第一是 雲南路 到 柯湖路 真的有個 水溝路能通過去,第二是 從昨天寶二的竹林小徑通到 寶一吊橋了!! 只是那坡啊....我直接下來走了.......




Name : WBT201
Numbers of Point : 1195
Distance : 25.917 Km (16.104 Mile)
All Time : 1 Hour 45 Minute 40 Second(2009-04-27T11:35:06 ~ 2009-04-27T13:20:46)
Move Time : 1 Hour 39 Minute 12 Second
Stop Time : 6 Minute 28 Second
Average Speed(All Time) : 14.716 KMH(9.144 MPH)
Average Speed (Move Time) : 15.676 KMH(9.740 MPH)
Max. Speed : 55 KMH(34.175 MPH)
Max. Altitude : 208 Meters(682.415 Feets)
Min. Altitude : 72 Meters(236.220 Feets)
Zone : +08:00


I tried ModelSim PE Student Edition first, it is windows only.
  1. Download the software by filling the "License Agreement Form" in the following link
    ModelSim Student Edition Software Download Request
    then, you will be provided a ftp link with a username and password valid only for 1 hour
  2. download and install the software. at last install step, another form will be bring up in browser to request the student license. Fill it, then the license would be emailed to you.
  3. Put the license file (student_license.dat) into the installed directory (i.g. C:\Modeltech_pe_edu_6.5a)
refer to ModelSim 教學
But I can't get the DataFlow view correctly

the adder verilog code
module fulladd(sum,c_out,a,b,c_in);
output sum, c_out;
input a,b,c_in;
wire s1,c1,c2;

module stimulus;
reg [2:0]inputs;
wire sum,c_out;
integer i;
fulladd FA(sum,c_out,inputs[0],inputs[1],inputs[2]);
#10 inputs[3:0]=i;

ModelSim PE Student Edition Overview
ModelSim PE Student Edition Download

ModelSim 使用教程

林進發老師個人網站: 教學下載
ModelSim 教學

2004春季課程:數位系統概論實驗: 使用工具或軟體

12V to 5V USB 車充

C4: 10v 100uF
C1: 50v 4.7uF
R4: 47
D1: XX5819
MC34063A DL09-01

MC34063A 線上計算器
MC34063A development aid

2009年4月24日 星期五

SpringSoft Verdi

Introduction to Verdi

Brief Introduction to EDA

Introduction to Challenges in System and SoC Debug
(Not really about EDA or Verdi, but ICE/JTag related)
(There are some good architectural diagram)

Analog PDK 101
process design kit (PDK)

a foundry will provide designers in fabless companies with access to a PDK, the associated design libraries, and on-going applications engineering support. That PDK, coupled with software from various EDA providers, constitutes the basic design environment necessary to create an IC. Once the design is complete, GDSII files containing the IC’s electronic information are submitted to the foundry for reticle-build processing.

A technology file contains information for the EDA tools such as layer definitions, layer colors, and GDSII stream translation rules for a given process technology. Depending on the particular EDA vendor tool, the technology file may also contain process rules and associated information, as well as symbolic devices.

Device symbols obtained from the PDK are used to create schematic designs in a schematic-driven design flow. These symbols provide a graphical input for representing device terminal connectivity. Each device symbol contains fields for customizable properties such as width, length, and other parameters. Including proprietary computer code with the symbols will help enable more complicated resistance- and capacitance-based calculations.

The PDK includes information that allows the design to be netlisted. A netlist is a text-based representation of the connections and symbols in the schematic design.

A simulation consists of verifying the circuit design using a Spice simulator and foundry-provided models. Popular simulators currently in use include Hspice from Synopsys, Inc. (Mountain View, CA), Spectre from Cadence Design System, Inc. (San Jose, CA), Eldo from Mentor Graphics Corp. (Wilsonville, OR), SmartSpice from Silvaco International (Santa Clara, CA), and T-Spice from Tanner EDA (Pasadena, CA).

A schematic-driven layout (SDL) is generally part of the vendor’s tool suite, and takes advantage of correspondence between device symbols and device layouts. PDKs that use common names on devices, while their pins/terminals allow the physical design engineer to import all the devices, parameters, and connectivity found in the schematic netlist into the layout view as device layouts. This generated layout provides a correct-by-construction starting point, increasing the physical designer’s productivity.

Also included in the PDK, device layouts are used to establish a physical representation of the schematic design. Individual device layouts can be delivered in two formats. The simplest form of a device layout is a flat cell, which is the fixed physical layout of a device. This form allows accurate layout and modeling of devices, but is not conducive to scalability, which may limit design flexibility and the chip’s design density.

Additionally, in order to address scalability issues and enhance productivity, EDA vendors have introduced the parameterized cell (pcell) concept. Pcells allow devices to scale with specified parameters such as width and length, and also allow structural changes within the cell (for instance, the addition of contacts or changing the shape of a MOS gate). Some complex pcells require inclusion of additional code in the PDK.

Layout cells must be spaced according to design rules, and connected with metallization layers to match the connectivity of the established schematic design. In full-custom design, this procedure is implemented manually. Meanwhile, due to the manual nature of the construction, verification of this work is critical to the success of the chip design.

A key step in the design process is to perform physical verification on the layout design. It’s critical to verify that the layout does not violate any design rules, and that it matches the schematic design. Physical verification steps include design rule checking (DRC) and layout-versus-schematic (LVS) tools. These tools require a set of instructions, known as verification decks, which detail how to verify the process’ layout rules.

Popular verification tools include Mentor Graphics’ Calibre, Cadence’s Dracula, Diva, and Assura, Silvaco’s Expert, Synopsys’ Hercules, and Tanner’s HiPer. DRC tools verify that the physical designs meet the design rules and graphically identify rule violations. LVS tools first generate a netlist based on identifying devices in a physical layout and connectivity between those devices; this step is sometimes listed separately as extraction (EXT). The netlist is then compared to the schematic netlist to ensure the two views match-not only in terms of device connectivity but also device parameters.

Parasitic extraction tools also build a netlist similar to the one generated during LVS. They also extract device parameters and parasitic devices. The resulting netlist is then input into a Spice simulator to ensure that the physical layout of the design meets electrical specifications. This step becomes increasingly important as feature sizes break the sub-micron barrier.

Typically, foundries will run a final design rule check to sign-off on the manufacturability of the customer’s design. Errors found at this stage may require sign-off by both the customer and the foundry, often resulting in project delays. It’s therefore critical that the DRC deck found in the PDK should produce identical results to the foundry sign off deck.

Figure 2: The customer analog design process

The various options

A “bare-minimum�? PDK includes a document listing the various design rules, the layer information, and a GDSII example of devices included in that particular process. However, this type of kit does not typically include all components or building blocks and requires additional development to start a design.

In contrast, a fully integrated PDK includes all the necessary components to design, simulate, layout, and verify a chip design. These components include schematic symbols, Spice models, technology files (layer and color definitions), device layouts (pcells, if applicable), the code needed to check and calculate device parameters (if required), and the physical verification decks. (see Figure 2)

A PDK can obviously be quite complex, since each provider has their own way of developing, delivering, and describing the kits. In addition, EDA tool vendors may also define unique terminology for their tool functionality. This creates a steep learning curve for anyone attempting to use a PDK, and represents a significant challenge to customers striving to meet time-to-market opportunities.

With the increasing popularity of the foundry model and the growing number of fabless and fab-lite companies, much time and energy has been spent understanding the differences in PDKs provided by foundries. Today, it appears that we are at a crossroad. The industry is obviously prepared to embrace a certain level of PDK standardization, however there’s an obvious challenge in any standardization strategy that requires PDK developers to change their implementation methods to come into compliance with those standards. This is especially true of full-custom analog PDKs.

The Fabless Semiconductor Association (FSA) is striving to avoid the standardization of every detail of the PDK. Instead, FSA is making an effort to define standards for PDK components using tool-neutral terminology. These definitions will be used to define the “FSA mixed-signal/RF PDK checklist.�?

The effort attempts to bypass some of the more contentious issues involved in developing a standard, those which would require a major overhaul in PDK implementation. The current proposal intends to provide value to the IC design community by letting end-users know quickly and precisely what they have when they receive a PDK. When the checklist is complete, FSA will move to resolve the many issues that face the foundries, fabless companies, EDA and IP vendors, and design-service providers in the development, distribution, and use of PDKs.

Coincident with the FSA efforts, Accellera is spearheading the Open Kit (OK) Initiative and attempting to define a design-kit standard to facilitate more efficient and automated custom IC design. The goals of Accellera’s OK Initiative are more in-depth and far-reaching then the FSA checklist. If the Accellera standard becomes widely adopted, it’s actually conceivable that a designer would be able to use a single PDK across all EDA vendors contributing to the flow. That would contrast sharply with the situation today, where each and every vendor requires their own tool-specific PDK. (see Table 1)

There are so many hurdles to overcome when developing a PDK. The current lack of standards forces PDK providers to develop their own implementation methodologies, while at the same time satisfying customer desires and adapting to continuously evolving EDA tools. Finding a balance between fulfilling individual customer expectations and meeting time-to-market requirements is the biggest challenge in PDK development today.

Add to those concerns, the pressure of meeting customer needs in a timely manner and it’s easy to see that a speedy PDK release often forces a compromise between conflicting requirements. Several possible solutions exist for limiting the scope of the PDK including: reducing the number of vendor platforms initially supported; decreasing the number of features in the PDK, and providing DRC and models only as an initial offering

A Team Effort

The PDK developers’ responsibilities do not end once the PDK is released, however. When the PDK is in the hands of customer design teams, the development effort then becomes a multi-tiered support effort.

The most common support issues occur when a bug is found in the PDK. Serious bugs are often the easiest to deal with for the PDK developer. Because they are show stoppers, these bugs are fixed straight away and a new PDK released. The issue is trickier when the bugs are less severe. Bug fixes are often released according to a release schedule to limit the number of releases. This saves time for both the PDK user and developer, and helps to avoid the confusion caused by frequent releases.

Handling feature requests from customers can be also complicated and must be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Some feature requests are impossible to implement due to the manner in which a legacy PDK is implemented. Others may cover the design style and desires of one design group but may not fit in with that of other groups.

The goal of the PDK is to make the designer more productive, so that he or she may implement design ideas quickly and accurately. To this end, it’s in the best interest of the PDK developer to add the features that are requested. At the same time, it’s important to clearly understand the request, and the implications to other users . Through the use of automated systems, it’s possible for a PDK user to have a custom feature added to the PDK by the developer. In this case, of course, the developer needs an efficient revision control and PDK-generation system to ensure that any “branched�? PDKs stay current with the standard copy.

Typically, PDK component files are created manually, which makes a PDK difficult to maintain. There’s no common repository to hold data that is shared across the files. The increased effort often introduces bugs into the PDK if the developer fails to update a component. In order to create a more accurate PDK, therefore, some EDA groups have developed their own methodology for retaining all process data in one single file.

Shorter development cycles, insufficient in-house resources, lack of foundry PDK, and limited experience with a particular EDA vendor or tool may prompt a company to consider outsourcing PDK development. Most EDA vendors offer consulting services to perform such contract work.

The decision to outsource a PDK development is not one that should be taken lightly. Risks are greatly increased when outsourcing PDKs prior to the completion of process development, since rules and models may still be in flux. Similarly, developing a PDK for a mature process via a third party is not as simple as sending off documentation and waiting for a high quality kit to come back. Often, the third party developer and its customer work closely to interpret process design rules and understand any legacy that must be maintained in order to support design activity and keep the new tool compatible with previously existing designs.

Quality counts

Of course, the PDK development effort doesn’t stop once it is completed. Flaws are frequently uncovered in the PDK’s construction, even when built by the most experienced consultants. Despite these challenges, contracting PDK developments through a third-party EDA vendor has its benefits, especially when an organization lacks the design resources or experience in a new tool set or process technology. And, adopting this methodology may allow an organization’s internal resources to gain the background and experience that will be necessary to support the PDK once the outsourced PDK is accepted.

To make the process work, it’s important to be very specific about what is expected of each party, and to be equally realistic about the resources and time required for PDK development. Although these attitudes and perspectives are an extension of good software engineering practices, their importance can’t be emphasized enough to ensure meeting time-to-market schedules.

The quality of a PDK has significant impact on a design organization. If a PDK contains all of the necessary components for a design and supports all the right tools, a team can begin designing immediately. For those foundries that provide less than adequate PDKs, however, a design team must build additional weeks, even months, into their schedule for developing the PDK development or resign themselves to the use of less efficient tools and flows. The PDK-its quality, features, tool support, and capabilities-can have a dramatic impact on first-silicon success. Well-built PDKs can have a tremendous impact on IC designers, providing them with the tools necessary to build IC circuits and compete in today’s aggressive markets.

2009年4月23日 星期四

090424 午 寶二水庫 伯公崎農路

油桐花 開的更多、更漂亮了,有種想在花雨下騎車的感覺~~

本來預計是要走 伯公崎農路 雲南路 去昨天offroad的位置看有沒有水溝路通回去的,可是有個彎沒找到,就一路滑到中興路了,看看時間也一點半,只好回來囉 ...

行車紀錄器 的 腳踏車架壞了,所以沒辦法一直拍,只能在需要的時候拿出來固定拍一下



Name : WBT201
Numbers of Point : 1098
Distance : 24.943 Km (15.499 Mile)
All Time : 1 Hour 45 Minute 35 Second(2009-04-24T12:00:08 ~ 2009-04-24T13:45:43)
Move Time : 1 Hour 31 Minute 50 Second
Stop Time : 13 Minute 45 Second
Average Speed(All Time) : 14.174 KMH(8.808 MPH)
Average Speed (Move Time) : 16.297 KMH(10.126 MPH)
Max. Speed : 57 KMH(35.418 MPH)
Max. Altitude : 219 Meters(718.504 Feets)
Min. Altitude : 79 Meters(259.186 Feets)
Zone : +08:00

090423 午 雲南路 通到柯湖路201巷+有史以來最大的offroad...



第二大驚喜,原來那水溝邊的路,就是傳說中的 柯湖路201巷;這樣的話想再去看看到底那邊左轉能不能通回真正的 柯湖路201巷? 印象中是有個雜草長但稀疏的空地....


Offroad到昨天有到過的舊屋,完成 雲南路 通 柯湖路201巷

從水溝旁的小路(傳說中的 柯湖路201巷)走回雲南路



Name : WBT201
Numbers of Point : 1030
Distance : 18.358 Km (11.407 Mile)
All Time : 1 Hour 34 Minute 58 Second(2009-04-23T11:50:10 ~ 2009-04-23T13:25:08)
Move Time : 1 Hour 27 Minute 43 Second
Stop Time : 7 Minute 15 Second
Average Speed(All Time) : 11.599 KMH(7.207 MPH)
Average Speed (Move Time) : 12.557 KMH(7.803 MPH)
Max. Speed : 42 KMH(26.098 MPH)
Max. Altitude : 185 Meters(606.955 Feets)
Min. Altitude : 92 Meters(301.837 Feets)
Zone : +08:00

2009年4月21日 星期二

090422 午 柯湖路201巷 通不到 雲南路

這次沒標的的叉路就是沒路了...騎了一堆田埂小路,就是找不到 柯湖路201巷 能通 雲南路 ...

頭重埔 的田埂上...

(以下都是 頭重埔.....)


Name : WBT201
Numbers of Point : 859
Distance : 13.997 Km (8.697 Mile)
All Time : 1 Hour 21 Minute 1 Second(2009-04-22T11:47:13 ~ 2009-04-22T13:08:14)
Move Time : 1 Hour 12 Minute 0 Second
Stop Time : 9 Minute 1 Second
Average Speed(All Time) : 10.366 KMH(6.441 MPH)
Average Speed (Move Time) : 11.664 KMH(7.248 MPH)
Max. Speed : 43 KMH(26.719 MPH)
Max. Altitude : 167 Meters(547.900 Feets)
Min. Altitude : 83 Meters(272.310 Feets)
Zone : +08:00

090421 午 寶山路 寶二水庫 水仙路 測試行車紀錄器


另外測試 新買的行車紀錄器

從 寶山路 衝下去

從 寶山水庫 下到 柯湖路


Name : WBT201
Numbers of Point : 1221
Distance : 32.010 Km (19.890 Mile)
All Time : 1 Hour 49 Minute 37 Second(2009-04-21T12:18:04 ~ 2009-04-21T14:07:41)
Move Time : 1 Hour 42 Minute 7 Second
Stop Time : 7 Minute 30 Second
Average Speed(All Time) : 17.521 KMH(10.887 MPH)
Average Speed (Move Time) : 18.808 KMH(11.687 MPH)
Max. Speed : 57 KMH(35.418 MPH)
Max. Altitude : 224 Meters(734.908 Feets)
Min. Altitude : 71 Meters(232.940 Feets)
Zone : +08:00

Name : Time Machine X
Numbers of Point : 357
Distance : 10.024 Km (6.229 Mile)
All Time : 30 Minute 56 Second(2009-04-21T12:48:45 ~ 2009-04-21T13:19:41)
Move Time : 29 Minute 38 Second
Stop Time : 1 Minute 18 Second
Average Speed(All Time) : 19.443 KMH(12.081 MPH)
Average Speed (Move Time) : 20.296 KMH(12.611 MPH)
Max. Speed : 50 KMH(31.069 MPH)
Max. Altitude : 224 Meters(734.908 Feets)
Min. Altitude : 156 Meters(511.811 Feets)
Zone : +08:00

2009年4月19日 星期日

行車紀錄器 Revenge VR-01 開箱!!

Edit a file named: SET_TIME.TXT

And put it into the microSD

Restart Recorder.

Xvid codec


[REVENGE]VR-01 全都錄行車影像記錄器、行車錄影機、行車黑盒子(2月中到貨,歡迎預購)

團購5800,本來說3月中要到的,可是一路拖到現在(4月都快底了)才拿到,想說不會時機壞壞,遇到詐騙集團了吧!! 畢竟這是我第一次這麼大金額的網購,上次買監視器鏡頭也才一千左右;買FR我是主購,不用擔心。話說回來,FR那十幾個人還真的放心匯萬把塊給我啊~~我連這個不到6千的東西,都要擔心個半天啊!!

昨天開車時有拿出來錄了大約半個到一個小時。今天早上騎車(腳踏車)來的時候,裝上內附的腳踏車架,卻沒辦法正常開機,每次按電源鍵,它就給我 逼!逼! 兩聲,據說明書說是 記憶卡讀取錯誤(不確定 四顆led 有沒有閃爍兩次),換上身上僅存的另一片512MB結果還是一樣,只好一路騎一路按,它也很"合作"地 一路逼逼叫...。後來到了銀行要辦事,就把它帶下來想說等等繼續按,沒想到就在櫃台前它開機了....阿沒有是要看到美女才要開機喔,降我會很困擾ㄋㄟ(誤)...。到了公司傳出來看,發現只有今天錄的,昨天錄的都沒看到。







大概也不過騎了六七次吧,難道腳踏車真的那麼震? 不過話說回來,我也有同事掛在摩托車上也還沒事,只是人家是黃重機,我是腳踏車。至少機車跟腳踏車的避震器是不能比的。但是還是要ㄍㄧㄠ一下,畢竟才用了兩天,就能這樣斷掉,品質也有很大問題。而且昨天本來還在想帶子的塑膠片會撞到機身,造成扣扣扣的聲音被錄進去,要把它拿掉的說,晚上回家順手也綁了起來,騎到半路,喂~~怎麼不見了!!!原來被帶子掛在車身上了。要是沒有帶子,大概又要像FR那樣了吧(什麼時候去修FR呢.....)

平常車熄火時都會有 逼逼逼的聲音,可是最近突然沒有了,也不知道什麼時候突然變這樣的

090429 中午 腳踏車 有室內有室外,640x480/30fps, 4G用掉3.38G, 44分13秒 (1.30MBps)

090502 下午 開車 高速公路 1280x1024/7fps, 252,006,400/11"15(373,342Bps)
090502 下午 開車 高速公路進市區 1280x1024/7fps, 251,928,576/7"44(520,513Bps)
090502 晚上 開車 高速公路 1280x1024/7fps, 251,883,008/5"41(738,659Bps)
090507 晚上 開車 到公司 1280x1024/7fps, 251,848,192/5"35 (751,785Bps)

090509 下午 開車 愛買 640x512/30fps, 218480640/7"51(463,865Bps)
090510 下午 開車到南寮 市區 640x512/30fps, 151310848/6"27 (385,014Bps)
090510 下午 開車到南寮 快速道路 640x512/30fps, 134551040/6"51 (327,374Bps)
090510 晚上 開車回家 640x512/30fps, 151435264/9"18 (271,389Bps)
090510 晚上 開車回家 快速道路 640x512/30fps, 211848704/10"32 (335,203Bps)
090510 晚上 開車 到公司, 640x512/30fps, 252037120/7"53(532,848Bps)
090513 晚上 開車到公司 640x512/30fps, 246548992/10"31 (390,727Bps)

2009年4月18日 星期六

電動 腳踏車

google 電動腳踏車套件


佳宇電機-電動車組裝零配件店長: knney3349809
自行車腳踏車改裝電動車輪轂電機型整套配件- ----重型 無刷輪轂電機型36V.360W ($4200)
  1. 有刷電機
  2. 無刷電機

lijia0***** (22) : 您好請問一下,以人力騎的時後是否有回充功能?還是要另外購買套件?要多少錢?含電池要多少錢呢? 2009-04-02 23:39
knney3349809 (408) : 輪轂電機本身就是一個發電機.回充效果要好.可以自行做一個三相整流電路.[可隨貨附電路圖]若需購買我們的大力王加速.回充電路器1400元.輪轂電機整套配件4200元..可代買輪框,並將輪轂電機編織.校正完成,一併寄出, 您只要將編織好的輪框電機換上即可, [輪框成本200元] .12v7.5ah電池3顆900元.謝謝 2009-04-03 00:04
ohmygod54****** (6) : 請問 三相整流電路 接線是從輪鼓電機接出回充電瓶? 36v自控充電器,輪轂專用控制器,電瓶箱電源鎖 ,LED電量顯示調速把手兩件套, 輻條,輪轂電機分別是各多少錢是否有詳細價目表嗎?要向學校報帳~帳單收據能隨貨品一同寄出? 感謝您! 2009-04-06 12:41
knney3349809 (408) : 1.三相整流電路 是從輪鼓電機接出經由電路回充電瓶2.隨貨可附收據.收據上會有明細.謝謝. 2009-04-06 13:31
lijia0***** (22) : 您好,請問一下大力王加速.回充電路器有細部規格說明嗎?除回充外似乎還有升壓的功能?最高升壓幅度為多少?是否有可能讓24V(兩顆電池)可以提供 36V 的電壓供設備運作? 2009-04-06 22:49
knney3349809 (408) : 最高升壓46v.沒有24V 的規格

abdd5*** (5) : 請問是三相交流馬達嗎˙ 2009-04-18 19:32
knney3349809 (408) : 三相直流馬達 2009-04-18 19:50

ohmygod54****** (6) : 感謝你~我大概懂了...那這樣48V所需不是就要4科電瓶?這樣重量不會太重嗎?平均1科機車用的電瓶12V的就要2KG左右了~!至於回充請問一下我目前要用馬達改發電機無刷馬達還是有刷馬達改比較好?(目前在測試有刷小馬達!但是輸出電壓很低我怕串接太多所需扭力會變大~而且怕無法回充~要回充我記得要超過電瓶電壓才會回充吧!~如果以上敘述有錯誤可以請麻煩糾正我!感謝你喔! 2009-03-14 15:45
knney3349809 (408) : 1 輪轂電機本身就是一個發電機.無刷無齒馬達.當發電機的效果最好.只要配上一個三相整流電路.回充效果ok.2有刷馬達配製.需要倒轉.加上一個逆流保護電路.但腳踏時.會很重.效果不彰.3回充要超過電瓶電壓才會回充.但最好不超過5v上下.4.如果48V的電池太重.可用36v電池.升壓.安裝一個加力器.速度扭力.均可達到48v電機的效能.謝謝


  • 建議不要用傳統股式剎車(蘭鈴式)的車款來改..煞不太住
  • 有 24V 250W, 36V 300W-360W, 48V/500W
  • 先確定要裝前輪還是後輪(記得要買輪榖電機款的),買無刷的,比較好。
  • 可以請他幫你把輪框編好再寄來給你,比較方便。(一般輪框約2張國父)。但請記的跟他確認你是"登山車"款的26吋,還是淑女車或公路車款的輪子,以免他寄錯(我的就是沒講所以寄錯)
  • 另外,電池盒內有抽取袋,定的時候記得跟他說你要抽取式電池,請他附內袋,並將裡面接頭做好。




現在又有一家叫做"必翔"的台灣業者,取得了磷酸鐵鋰的電池專利技術,開始將此種的電池放在他們家一系列的品牌上面使用,像市面上另一個品牌叫做"勝一" 的,也有好多款。當然,勝一本身也有鉛酸電池系列產品,價格有所區分,奇摩與PCHOME兩大購物網搜尋一下就知道,畢竟用磷酸鐵鋰電池的車種現在都還要 20000多,不算便宜。而鉛酸電池款的舊車種,有些只要10000多出頭就有了,價差兩倍的話,不禁令人覺得怎麼差那麼多?




我曾經問過捷安特直營店及美利達直營店,問它們為何很多家的捷安特及美利達都沒有什麼庫存? 而是要用"預約訂貨"的? 店長都解釋說: 在歐美電單車很流行,而且損壞率不高,而在台灣因為使用者的不當使用,所以"損壞率超高"的,比較容易壞的車當然車行比較不想賣,免得使用者買了之後三步五時往店家跑要修東修西的造成使用者與店家印象都很不佳的原因。

當我問到: 何謂"台灣的使用者的不當使用"? 時,店家說台灣下雨機率較高,若是在台北地區的話更不用說,每次下過雨後的地面積水是電動自行車損壞的"最大原兇"! 因為使用者過積水時若是不慢慢地、慢慢地~~過去或是甚至就避開的話,那一次、二次大概馬達進水就很容易壞掉了~~無言

而我又問到: 為何不換"防水馬達"? 時,店家說: OK! 羊毛出在羊身上,若是真要做防水馬達的車種的話,那一台車至少要賣二萬元以上,甚至三萬元以上,到時候消費者的接受度是個問題~~


所以,根據我私下瞭解,原來磷酸鐵鋰電池是有"專利"的,目前捷安特及美利達所使用的電池,都還不是磷酸鐵鋰的。像捷安特的官網上寫到它是與 Panasonic合作開發的"動力系統",但是搞了半天原來是電池專利技術的原因,使得像"必翔"這家有專利的業者主要還是以"輸出電池粉"(電池的原料)的方式賣給國外的電動自行車的業者,而且由於產能有限,所以歐美的業者主要還是先製造供當地使用的電動自行車為主,除非有餘力才會在各球各地製造供應。不然,使用者只好像買貴貴的歐美、日本原裝進口的"既成品"進來了,那價格都是超貴的。


PS.路上現在有許多的"違規"的自行改裝的動力自行車,吃"汽油"的! 而且還有人專門在幫人改裝的,用的是割草機用的小cc數引擎,配上自製的油路系統及油缸但是卻沒有空氣濾清、附消音器的排氣管功能,所以等於是腳踏車加上吃汽油的小引擎,在什麼路上都可以騎,在一般路上跑的也不比50cc的機車慢,但是引擎聲很吵並且割草機引擎的廢氣直接排放沒有過濾。在自行車專用道上騎時遠遠地看到警察時馬上就熄火當做腳踩的人力腳踏車用,所以可以說是"所向無敵、無法可管"的省錢妙招。


17省油錢電動車自己組...電動車腳踏車套件賣價4200..[現貨特價中]...含安裝手冊10消費卷 ($4200)

justwin電動折疊自行車  JR-203AA(銀)($28880)

電動自行車改裝套件 ($5700)
1. 36v360w無刷輪毂馬達(含輪框整編)
2. 控制模組(含控制器;鎖頭;Key;外殼)
3. 調速手把
4. 電瓶箱及電池3顆(12V-7A)
5. 含改裝工資(改到好)
6. 任何尺寸車型皆可安裝

DIY電動腳踏車改裝套件 ($3700)
36v300w無刷輪轂電機-強力轉速,扭力強, 靜音無聲,抓地力佳.安裝方便, 最大時速40公里以上 ...
輪轂電機型每套3800元(全套配件包括:自控充電器 ,輪轂專用控制器,電瓶箱 , 電源鎖 ,調速把兩件套,大燈(大燈.喇叭.電量顯示三合一功 能),輻條,輪轂電機(不含電池)
您只要將編織好的輪框電機換上即可, [輪框成本200元]


問題 2 mingsungwu(92)

3Q(2007-10-07 22:03:10)
答覆: sowadvd(62)
沒有這種功能 (2007-10-07 22:15:41)

"AICO E-BIKE"~ 8~28吋任何車種皆可安裝 超輕量4kg 自行車電動套件組~超值上市 ($18800)
◆採用日本Pansonic 最先進的“三元鋰電池組”五年以上使用壽命。












































一般 3個月

一般 6個月

一般 6個月









Endpoint Descriptor(ED)
Transfer Descriptor(TD)
  • 8192 bytes with maximum of one physical page crossing

Host Controller Communications Area (HCCA)
  • HccaInterruptTable
    • 32-entry
    • low order 5 bits of the current frame number is used as an index into the table
    • last of each interrupt list point to the isochronous list
  • HccaFrameNumber
  • HccaDoneHead

OpenHCI -- Open Host Controller Interface Specification for USB
By Compaq, Microsoft, National Semiconductor, 09/14/99 2:33 PM, Release: 1.0a

2009年4月16日 星期四

090416 午 寶山路 寶二水庫 不知名小路回來

那條小路 就是標準的山谷路,從寶二這裡大下坡下去,然後在二重埔農路那裡又大上波上去,會累死....。不過除掉這點以外,一路上的稻田、果樹,風景倒是不錯呢! 不過沒很長就是了。


Name : WBT201
Numbers of Point : 1208
Distance : 31.174 Km (19.371 Mile)
All Time : 1 Hour 49 Minute 43 Second(2009-04-17T12:03:41 ~ 2009-04-17T13:53:24)
Move Time : 1 Hour 40 Minute 13 Second
Stop Time : 9 Minute 30 Second
Average Speed(All Time) : 17.048 KMH(10.593 MPH)
Average Speed (Move Time) : 18.664 KMH(11.597 MPH)
Max. Speed : 55 KMH(34.175 MPH)
Max. Altitude : 234 Meters(767.717 Feets)
Min. Altitude : 82 Meters(269.029 Feets)
Zone : +08:00

Name : Time Machine X
Numbers of Point : 400
Distance : 11.290 Km (7.015 Mile)
All Time : 33 Minute 21 Second(2009-04-17T12:34:10 ~ 2009-04-17T13:07:31)
Move Time : 33 Minute 9 Second
Stop Time : 12 Second
Average Speed(All Time) : 20.312 KMH(12.621 MPH)
Average Speed (Move Time) : 20.434 KMH(12.697 MPH)
Max. Speed : 55 KMH(34.175 MPH)
Max. Altitude : 234 Meters(767.717 Feets)
Min. Altitude : 115 Meters(377.297 Feets)
Zone : +08:00