2008年7月5日 星期六

Installing VirtualBox Guest Additions For Linux

Installing Guest Additions For Ubuntu Guests in VirtualBox

Install VirtualBox Additions for an Ubuntu 8.04 Guest
***Additional Steps required for Ubuntu 8.04 guests

My Linux Guest is Debian 4.0 r0 i3

  1. Start up your Linux guest
  2. [Devices] -> [Install Guest Additions]
    if the Guest Additions iso image is not available, VirtualBox may prompt you to download the image.
  3. following steps is for Guest OS
    [Devices] -> [Mount CD/DVD-ROM] -> [CD/DVD-ROM image...] -> (Select VBoxGuestAdditions.iso)
    Your virtual Linux should recognize a new CD, mount the CD, for example:
    mount cdrom
  4. some packages are required
    • kernel header, kbuild, make, gcc,..., for building modules. Or try:
      apt-get build-dep linux-headers-`uname -r`
    • x window: require X.org or XFree86 to be installed, or there would be error:
      Could not find X.org or XFree86 on the guest system. The X Window drivers will not be installed
      and the some related to X won't be installed. But, the VirtualBox Guest Additions module and share folder support kernel module will be installed anyway.
  5. goto /media/cdrom(or wherever the CD is mounted) to install the Guest Additions,
    sudo sh /media/cdrom/VBoxLinuxAdditions.run
    sudo /media/cdrom/VBoxLinuxAdditions.run WON'T WORK in Debian with following error:
    # sudo /media/cdrom/VBoxLinuxAdditions.run
    bash: /media/cdrom/VBoxLinuxAdditions.run: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied
  6. The installer should prompt you that it’s time to restart the virtual machine once it’s done. Just logging out and back in should work.
  7. Devices->Share Folders...->[add a new share name]
  8. mount.vboxsf [share name] [mounted directory]
  9. Add to Boot Process
    Due to the vboxvfs.ko is inserted AFTER /etc/fstab is mounted, adding to fstab WON'T WORK. It is suggested to add the mount script to /etc/init.d/vboxvfs, around:
    start() {
    mount -t vboxsf files /home/files

    return 0

on Windows Guest: \\vboxsrv\the_dir_name_you_set
