2008年5月11日 星期日

礦泉水瓶重複使用致癌? 假的


環境檢驗所 助理研究員 黃壬瑰


保鮮膜加熱 有害健康

(環保署管考處 賴麗瑩)


Bottled Water Vs. Tap Water
By Janet Majeski Jemmott
Sources: Earth Policy Institute, As You Sow, Container Recycling Institute.
From Reader's Digest - February 2008

The Plastic Problem
Most bottled water comes in polyethylene terephthalate bottles, indicated by a number 1, PET or PETE on the bottle's bottom. (No, it's not the same phthalate mentioned earlier.) The bottles are generally safe, says Ken Smith, PhD, immediate past chair of the American Chemical Society's division of environmental chemistry. But scientists say when stored in hot or warm temperatures, the plastic may leach chemicals into the water.


In the meantime, experts have raised a warning flag about a few specific chemicals. Antimony(銻) is a potentially toxic material used in making PET. Last year, scientists in Germany found that the longer a bottle of water sits around (in a store, in your home), the more antimony it develops. High concentrations of antimony can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. In the study, levels found were below those set as safe by the EPA, but it's a topic that needs more research.

Last summer, a National Institutes of Health (NIH) committee agreed that bisphenol A (BPA)(雙酚甲烷A), a chemical found in polycarbonate(聚碳酸酯, PC) (used to make watercooler jugs, sport-water bottles and other hard plastics, but not PET), may cause neurological and behavioral problems in fetuses(胎兒), babies and kids. A separate NIH-sponsored panel found that the risk was even greater, saying that adult exposure to BPA likely affects the brain, the female reproductive system and the immune system. The FDA has reviewed these reports and says it will keep monitoring the data to see if the agency needs to take regulatory action.


部分學者認為其裏面有一種叫做diethylhydroxylamine (乙基己基胺)或簡稱DEHA的潛在致癌物質,用一次是安全的,如果你因節儉或方便而重複使用,就有致癌危機。

換句話說,儘管對於DEHA的致癌性有不同的答案,但是對於重複使用PET水瓶 會不會釋出DEHA這個問題,目前已知的科學家們認為並沒有明顯的證據。根據FASI最後的結論,與其擔心沒有明顯證據的DEHA威脅,不如注意重複使用 時的清潔--當然,這一點對所有的杯碗瓢盆都是適用的。
